Groupe SSI offers you a cloud computing solution
in Montreal and on the North Shore

Proud partner of your productivity

SSI Group offers an efficient way to manage your company’s communications and IT resources remotely

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A small investment that pays off big


If you want to develop your IT infrastructures at the pace of your business without paying large sums, the implementation of a cloud network is the ideal solution.


Cloud services allow you to build custom technology applications with the tools you really need, as your business grows. They also provide substantial savings since you do not pay for superfluous software, or for the maintenance of large servers.


It is essential to do an in-depth analysis of all the software and applications you use so that the migration of your infrastructure is smooth.


Contact the experts at Groupe SSI for an assessment of your system in place and the needs of your users to obtain an infrastructure perfectly adapted to your organization!

Des solutions infonuagiques qui correspondent à votre réalité


Nos spécialistes TI vous proposeront des solutions conventionnelles ou virtuelles et discuteront avec vous des enjeux et des impacts. Le déplacement de vos fichiers des serveurs internes vers un système en ligne provoque bien des changements. Nous vous proposerons une solution personnalisée à votre environnement de travail..

Après une analyse de vos besoins et de ceux de vos collaborateurs, Groupe SSI prend en charge la gestion du projet et met à votre disposition une équipe chevronnée qui possède les ressources et le savoir-faire nécessaires pour mener à bien tous les aspects de la nouvelle implantation.


Nos techniciens qualifiés sont toujours présents pour répondre à toutes vos questions et si vous désirez faire des adaptations, ils sont disponibles pour poser le bon diagnostic et trouver la solution adéquate.

Microsoft Office 365


Microsoft Office 365 is a subscription-based system that encompasses a variety of office applications and online communications. This cloud-based system is perfect for small or medium-sized businesses that don’t have an IT department. Secure, reliable and easy to use, Microsoft Office 365 is ideal for companies that want to offer their staff the opportunity to work from home. They can share and back up all their files online. We implement and migrate to the Microsoft Office 365 system to create an online operating system for your needs. We can also then manage and maintain the system remotely.



Do you want to increase the security of your data within your organization? The online backup service allows you to keep all your files in one place. A great way to secure your important data. We set up an efficient, efficient and secure backup system.

Security software


Malware can cause your data to be lost. We therefore advise you to have an up-to-date and effective COMPUTER security system in order to optimize the security of your company, avoid the theft of information and protect your business assets.

Planning, migration, training


The implementation of Microsoft 365 cloud solutions can cause many changes. You need to convert, move your internal or hosted files and applications to Microsoft 365 tools. Our professional and dedicated team looks forward to your help.

  • Professional and fast service
  • A secure, reliable and efficient computer network
  • Automated backup of your data
  • Efficient and effective security solutions
  • Efficient integration of cloud services

Reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs gestionnaires en technologies de l’information, le Groupe SSI vous offre une gamme de services infonuagiques complets et un support humain vous permettant d’atteindre vos objectifs sans vous soucier de votre infrastructure TI.
et un support humain vous permettant d’atteindre vos objectifs sans vous soucier de votre infrastructure TI.

Ready to go cloud-based?
Contact one of our experts!