Groupe SSI is the reference for the microsoft security of your IT systems

Discover Unparalleled Security with SSI Group and Microsoft: in today’s digital world, protecting your data is crucial. This is why Groupe SSI, a Microsoft partner company, offers you an unparalleled security approach: Zero Trust. Imagine protection that challenges trust every moment, technology that adapts and evolves with threats. Here is what Groupe SSI, as a trusted Microsoft partner, offers you:

Zero Trust: A New Era of Security


The Zero Trust approach redefines security by refusing blind trust. Every user, every device is subject to continuous verification. With Groupe SSI, you can be sure that only authorized people have access to your sensitive data.

The Power of Collaboration As a Microsoft partner, Groupe SSI has access to the most advanced security solutions. Our team of experts combines these technologies with our security expertise to create an impenetrable barrier of protection. Imagine your data locked in a digital safe, constantly monitored.

The Zero Trust Advantage for you

Your sensitive data remains truly confidential.

You are safe from ever-changing threats.

Your system is permanently secure.

Your Security, Our Priority with Groupe SSI and our partnership with Microsoft, you are not only adopting a Zero Trust approach, you are opting for peace of mind. Your safety is our passion, and we’re here to protect you every step of the way.

Take No Risk: Choose Zero Trust with SSI Group and Microsoft.


Your Microsoft Infrastructure

Ranked among the best IT managers in Montreal Groupe SSI offers you a full range of services
and human support allowing you to achieve your goals without worrying about your IT infrastructure.