A Data security service
in Montreal and on the North Shore

The security of your business is our priority

SSI Group is the reference for the security of your IT systems

Strengthen your protection!


Your organization’s computer system can be vulnerable to hacking and computer fraud. Indeed, a large majority of the financial losses that a company suffers are usually related to computer problems that cause the disclosure of confidential data. We help you take precautions by implementing formidable IT security software that strengthens the protection of your company’s IT infrastructures.

Reduce risk


A variety of causes can lead to data loss.

It is therefore imperative to protect your internet access and computer network from all forms of computer crimes. We can provide you with the best tools on the market to secure your infrastructure.

Regular maintenance is required!


Although you have installed security systems on your computer network and on your internet, this software requires regular updates so that it does not lose any of its functionality. Our specialists take care of the management, maintenance and repair of your security software so that you are protected at all times.

We’re here to help


SSI Group’s team of qualified professionals has the skills required to conduct a complete audit of your COMPUTER system in order to make the right decisions regarding the security of your computerized data. We always adapt to your needs and your reality in order to create and implement effective and proven security solutions. This way you get state-of-the-art equipment, quality program and email protection software and sound advice. Our specialists are always available to guide you in your research. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Your Microsoft infrastructure

Ranked among the best IT managers in Montreal SSI Group offers you a gram of complete services
and human support that allows you to achieve your goals without worrying about your IT infrastructure.